le3d - LightEngine 3D
A straightforward C++ 3D software engine for real-time graphics
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CLeAxisRepresent an axis in 3D space
 CLeBitmapContain and manage a RGB or RGBA 32bit bitmap image
 CLeBmpCacheCache and inventory all bitmaps loaded
 CSlotBitmap cache slot
 CLeBmpFileLoad and store bitmaps in uncompressed MS Windows bitmap format
 CLeBmpFontContain and manage a monospace bitmap font
 CLeBSetContain and manage a billboard set
 CLeColorRepresent an RGBA color
 CLeDrawCreate and handle an OS native drawing context
 CLeDrawingContextRepresent an OS specific drawing context
 CLeFogRepresent a quadratic fog
 CLeGamePadHandle gamepads through OS native interface
 CLeLightContain and manage a light object
 CLeMatrixRepresent a 4x4 matrix to handle 3D transforms
 CLeMeshContain and manage a 3D mesh
 CLeMeshCacheCache and inventory all meshes loaded
 CSlotMesh cache slot
 CLeObjFileLoad 3D meshes in Wavefront object format
 CLeObjMaterialContain and manage Wavefront object files materials
 CLePlaneRepresent a plane in 3D space
 CLeRasterizerRasterize triangle lists
 CLeRendererRender meshes and billboard sets to 2D triangle lista
 CLeSystemHandle OS / HW configuration and servicing
 CLeTimingAbstract OS native time measurement & process yielding
 CLeTriangleRepresent a rasterizable triangle
 CLeTriListContain and manage triangle lists
 CLeVerListContain and manage vertex lists
 CLeVertexRepresent a vertex in 3D space
 CLeWindowCreate and handle an OS native window
 CSolidBasic solid point physics object