106 bool checkMemory(
int noVertexes,
int noTriangles);
111 void updateFrustrum();
114 int project(
LeTriangle tris[],
const int srcIndices[],
int dstIndices[],
int nb);
115 int clip3D(
LeTriangle tris[],
const int srcIndices[],
int dstIndices[],
int nb,
LePlane &plane);
116 int clip2D(
LeTriangle tris[],
const int srcIndices[],
int dstIndices[],
int nb,
LeAxis &axis);
117 int backculling(
LeTriangle tris[],
const int srcIndices[],
int dstIndices[],
int nb);
153 bool mipmappingEnable;
157 #endif // LE_RENDERER_H
void setViewOffset(float offset)
Set the renderer view offset (for triangle sorting)
Definition: renderer.cpp:361
void setViewAngle(const LeVertex &angleYZX)
Set the rendering view angle (in degrees)
Definition: renderer.cpp:279
Definition: renderer.h:64
Render meshes and billboard sets to 2D triangle lista.
Definition: renderer.h:72
LightEngine 3D: Billboard set container and manipulator.
void setFog(bool enable)
Enable or disable quadratic ambient fog.
Definition: renderer.cpp:392
LightEngine 3D: Mesh container and manipulator.
Represent a rasterizable triangle.
Definition: trilist.h:75
LightEngine 3D: General engine configuration file.
void setBackcullingMode(LE_BACKCULLING_MODES mode)
Set the backculling mode.
Definition: renderer.cpp:372
LightEngine 3D: Triangle lists.
Backculling modes.
Definition: renderer.h:59
LightEngine 3D: Global helpers and definitions.
int getViewportCoordinates(const LeVertex &pos, LeVertex &viewCoords)
Return the viewport coordinates of a 3D vertex.
Definition: renderer.cpp:188
void flush()
Flush the currently selected triangle list.
Definition: renderer.cpp:235
void setViewClipping(float near, float far)
Set the rendering near & far clipping distances.
Definition: renderer.cpp:333
void setViewPosition(const LeVertex &pos)
Set the rendering view position.
Definition: renderer.cpp:269
Contain and manage triangle lists.
Definition: trilist.h:93
Definition: renderer.cpp:73
Definition: renderer.h:62
void render(const LeMesh *mesh)
Render a 3D mesh.
Definition: renderer.cpp:83
Definition: renderer.h:60
LeRenderer(int width=LE_RESOX_DEFAULT, int height=LE_RESOY_DEFAULT)
Definition: renderer.cpp:49
LightEngine 3D: Vertex lists.
Definition: config.h:37
Represent an RGBA color.
Definition: color.h:42
void setViewProjection(float fov)
Set the rendering field of view angle (in degrees)
Definition: renderer.cpp:346
Definition: config.h:38
LightEngine 3D: Triangle rasterizer (textured and textured with alpha channel)
void setFogProperties(LeColor color, float near, float far)
Configure quadratic ambient fog characteristics.
Definition: renderer.cpp:404
Represent a vertex in 3D space.
Definition: geometry_scalar.h:46
Represent a 4x4 matrix to handle 3D transforms.
Definition: geometry_scalar.h:346
void setViewport(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
Set the rendering viewport.
Definition: renderer.cpp:313
Definition: renderer.h:61
LightEngine 3D: Color implementation.
LeTriList * getTriangleList()
Retrieve the associated triangle list.
Definition: renderer.cpp:258
void setTriangleList(LeTriList *trilist)
Associate an external triangle list (for storage)
Definition: renderer.cpp:247
Represent an axis in 3D space.
Definition: geometry_scalar.h:265
Definition: renderer.h:63
LightEngine 3D: Vertex / axis / plane / matrix objects.
const LeVertex left
Definition: geometry_scalar.h:665
void setViewMatrix(const LeMatrix &view)
Set the rendering view matrix.
Definition: renderer.cpp:299
void updateViewMatrix()
Update the rendering view matrix with position, scaling and angle vectors.
Definition: renderer.cpp:288
const LeVertex right
Definition: geometry_scalar.h:666
Contain and manage vertex lists.
Definition: verlist.h:46
Represent a plane in 3D space.
Definition: geometry_scalar.h:302
Contain and manage a 3D mesh.
Definition: mesh.h:47
Contain and manage a billboard set.
Definition: bset.h:52
void setMipmapping(bool enable)
Enable or disable texture mipmapping.
Definition: renderer.cpp:382