le3d - LightEngine 3D
A straightforward C++ 3D software engine for real-time graphics
This is the complete list of members for LeBitmap, including all inherited members.
allocate(int tx, int ty) | LeBitmap | |
alphaBlit(int32_t xDst, int32_t yDst, const LeBitmap *src, int32_t xSrc, int32_t ySrc, int32_t w, int32_t h) | LeBitmap | |
alphaScaleBlit(int32_t xDst, int32_t yDst, int32_t wDst, int32_t hDst, const LeBitmap *src, int32_t xSrc, int32_t ySrc, int32_t wSrc, int32_t hSrc) | LeBitmap | |
bitmap | LeBitmap | |
blit(int32_t xDst, int32_t yDst, const LeBitmap *src, int32_t xSrc, int32_t ySrc, int32_t w, int32_t h) | LeBitmap | |
clear(LeColor color) | LeBitmap | |
context | LeBitmap | |
data | LeBitmap | |
dataAllocated | LeBitmap | |
deallocate() | LeBitmap | |
flags | LeBitmap | |
LeBitmap() | LeBitmap | |
makeMipmaps() | LeBitmap | |
mipmaps | LeBitmap | |
mmLevels | LeBitmap | |
preMultiply() | LeBitmap | |
rect(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t w, int32_t h, LeColor color) | LeBitmap | |
text(int x, int y, const char *text, int length, const LeBmpFont *font) | LeBitmap | |
tx | LeBitmap | |
txP2 | LeBitmap | |
ty | LeBitmap | |
tyP2 | LeBitmap | |
~LeBitmap() | LeBitmap |